Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I Used My Title For My Opening Sentence

   What to Do when you realize your your unpublished novel is older than your child? The child in question is three, and we will not discuss the age of the novel. And of course they are both unfinished. In the case of the child this does not seem any great cause for concern (like I said he's only three). In the case of the novel it is a constant source of frustration.
  Before my name became Mommy I used to stay up all night and crank out page after page. My husband would get up to go to work and shepard a bleary-eyed wife to bed, while answering, with perfect equimenty questions such as, "Do I kill her before or after the party?" "Would one more dead body be one too many?", and "How come that guy at Poison Control has no sense of humor?"
   But a newborn does not leave one a lot of spare time, even with the efforts of a helpful family. And so I fell out of the writing "habit". I returned in fits in starts, but found a regular schedule hard to maintain in the face of a growing child's demands.
   As a stay-at-home Mom I have not held a paying job in over five years. Ever increasing living expenses have me wondering how to pick up a little extra cash. One obvious answer is finish the book and coerce...uh, I mean convince someone to buy it. The second option is to sell Viagra on-line. Stay tuned to see which it will be.

1 comment:

  1. LOL.....Viagra online isn't as good a moneymaker as you'd think. Err....or so I hear.
