Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Next Big Thing

   It's been a long time since I posted something. Since January in fact. A lot has happened since then. In the mean time I have laid a laminate floor (So easy a pregnant woman can do it) tilled a kitchen (Maybe I shouldn't have done that) put my back out (oops) and given birth.

  So perhaps its understandable that I haven't got much done. I was trying to ignore the looming sense of guilt when  Random Falcon tagged me and told me to get to work. I have known him for so long, when ever  I get a message from him I hear it in his voice. So Fal has been in my head nagging me for a week.

  Tuesday night I said to myself Tomorrow morning I am going to do it!

  That night the power went out and we had no Internet for two days. Is the universe trying to tell me something? Anyways here goes.

What is the working title of your book?

I am currently working on two stories: Death Comes To The Restful Goddess, and The Greenman Murder

Where did the idea come from?

 Hm, how to answer that without giving away the plot. I read about a case that the investigators classified as "occult" because of objects found at the scene. It later turned out the objects had no connection to the crime. I was intrigued by the idea that everything they extrapolated from the evidence  was wrong from the very beginning. That's when Thea popped into my head and started to tell me what "really" happened. And the Restful Goddess  was born

The story of the Hagly Wood corpse has haunted me for years. Who was Bella? And Who put her in the witch elm? But I didn't have characters to go with it. Then one fall day walking around the neighborhood with the i pod I thought it was a day like today that the found her. Suddenly I knew who found her and why she was there. Of course in the meantime her name changed along with the continent she was found on.

What Genre does your book fall under?

Both stories are murder mysteries. Something to do with my need to make people up, and then kill them.

Which actors would choose to play in a movie rendition?

Hard to say. Theses people have been walking around in my head for so long, they're real people to me. Anything less than an exact match is hard to swallow. Gavin Dunn could play Detective Gorgeous. Shohreh Aghdashloo could easily play his mother. Christopher Gorham could do Campbell. I don't know who would play Thea. And I really have no idea about the characters from The Green man Murder. Fred could be a young Jay Sliverheels. But I bet there is a no dead actors rule when you cast a movie. 

What is the one sentence synopsis of your book?

What do Baptist Minsters, sleazy politicians, New Age gurus and Indian Shamans have in common? Murder at the Restful Goddess. Wait that's two. Oh well

The Greenman Murder is one woman's quest to meet her deadline and finish her novel as life, door to door salesmen, home owners associations, and murder happen around her.

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

I don't know yet. I'll let you know when I figure it out.

How long did it take you to write your first draft?

I have been working on The Greenman Murder as time permits for about a year. The Restful Goddess, lets just say its older than my eldest child and leave it at that.

What other books would you compare this story to within you genre?

I don't really know the answer to that. I don't spend a lot of time trying to categorize the stories. Right now I'm just trying to get them out of my head and down on paper.

Who or What inspired you to write this story?

For me it almost always starts with the crime. Who did this and why? What drove them to that extreme? I guess its mostly about questions.

What else about your book might pique the readers' interest?

Well drawn characters with very full lives and personalities. I have to keep reminding them that, "Hey guys there is a dead body over there. You might want to focus on that right now"

As I have been tagged, so I tag another. I don't know Zombie Fiction, but I know what I like

Zombie Diapers by Cassandra Stryffe